After force quitting imovie again, (it wouldn't quit until I turned off the ext hard drive), plugged back in (turned off the back up), then back to my project, I finally finished my first short movie! Here it is 1:53 and took 3 minutes to export. Choose SHARE>Export> then there are size choices: Large, Medium, Mobile, Tiny. I chose MEDIUM file and it is an Mpeg-4 of only 22 MB.
Kirk should get a laugh from this. Footage from 1998 - wow:
I first exported it as Quicktime file, but it was too big. The blog can only take videos up to 100 MB.
First off, I hope that I don't stutter that bad when I do public speaking now. I can't hardly stand to listen to myself. And second, I was so much thinner...marriage has really packed it on me. The curse of marrying an excellent baker.