Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Movie is "hanging"

So, I'm having this problem again. When I'm working in iMovie, the program freezes or "hangs". Before I went in to the Apple store, I had to force quit the program. I'm working on the project through the external hard drive and I think that is the problem. I stopped "Time Machine" from backing up while I worked, but it is still happening. Right now it's been "hanging" for about 3 minutes. I need to figure out how to pull it onto my computer hard drive, work on the project then save it over to the external.....I guess.

After force quitting imovie again, (it wouldn't quit until I turned off the ext hard drive), plugged back in (turned off the back up), then back to my project, I finally finished my first short movie! Here it is 1:53 and took 3 minutes to export. Choose SHARE>Export> then there are size choices: Large, Medium, Mobile, Tiny. I chose MEDIUM file and it is an Mpeg-4 of only 22 MB.

Kirk should get a laugh from this. Footage from 1998 - wow:

I first exported it as Quicktime file, but it was too big. The blog can only take videos up to 100 MB.

1 comment:

  1. First off, I hope that I don't stutter that bad when I do public speaking now. I can't hardly stand to listen to myself. And second, I was so much thinner...marriage has really packed it on me. The curse of marrying an excellent baker.
